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NYVRA is a 501c4 nonprofit membership organization dedicated to advancing quality specialized services for people of all ages with vision loss in every county of New York State. NYVRA members are nonprofit provider organizations, industries programs for people who are blind, preferred source programs, consumer groups, state and local chapters of national organizations, schools, individuals, advocates, teachers, professionals and parents.

Would you like to be a part of our team or do you need to renew your membership?  Download our application and select your membership level. Mail the application and appropriate dues to Nancy D. Miller at the indicated address.

Founded in 2006, NYVRA Supports


*New York State licensure of vision rehabilitation therapists and orientation and mobility specialists


*an increased number of qualified specialized service professionals to meet the needs of the growing population with vision loss


*vision rehabilitation for people of all ages with vision loss provided by qualified professionals


* independent living programs for adults and seniors with vision loss who seek training in daily living skills, orientation & mobility, and participation in all aspects of community life

Access to High Quality Services

*Specialized educational services for children with vision loss as mandated by Federal and State law, including instruction in:


      * reading and writing braille - for braille literacy

      * orientation and mobility -  for independent and     

         safe mobility

      * assistive technology - for access to the digital  



*Specialized transition services for youth with vision loss as mandated by Federal and State law to prepare for work or college, and productive adult living


*High quality specialized services for working age adults who are totally blind or partially sighted to live independently, work, raise families, and contribute to their communities.


*Specialized services to seniors with vision loss who seek training to manage their daily living, including training for:


            *personal and home management

            *orientation and mobility


            *participation in all aspects of community

NYVRA advocates and participates

NYVRA participates in public hearings to educate lawmakers about the needs and capabilities of people of all ages with vision loss.


NYVRA shares information and educates the public and establishes a shared agenda among diverse stakeholders.

Toddler receiving cane instruction from
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